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Tic Tac Toe
Sky View
Hand Drawn

Craft Roulette Episode 11, hosted by Mary Gunn FUNN on May 22, 2020, featured an exciting challenge based on four random parameters. The project parameter was Tic Tac Toe, where participants had to create a craft inspired by this classic game. The color parameter was Sky View, encouraging crafters to incorporate shades of blue and white into their designs. The element parameter was Masking, adding an extra layer of creativity by requiring participants to use masking techniques in their projects. Lastly, the random parameter was Hand Drawn, challenging crafters to incorporate hand-drawn elements into their creations.

Throughout the episode, participants showcased their innovative and imaginative crafts, all created on the spot based on the given parameters. The combination of Tic Tac Toe, Sky View, Masking, and Hand Drawn resulted in a wide range of unique and visually stunning projects. Craft Roulette continues to inspire and entertain viewers with its spontaneous and creative crafting challenges.