In Revue

Our Mail Call, Card Showcase, & Whodunit Game

In Revue is Part Two of Craft Roulette featuring you, our project contributors. This weekly live, follow-up show airs almost every Wednesday evening (Central time) on our YouTube Channel. channel.

In Revue consists of three acts; they are:

Act 1: Mail Call

We share lovely snail mail we receive from our community. To send us mail, check out our contact page for details.

Act 2: Card Showcase

We dive deep into a few randomly selected (by software) contributions from the prior episode and discuss what we LOVE about them.

Act 3: Whodunit Game

Whodunit is a fast-paced, interactive, project detective game we play. Mary selects a card from the prior episode to CAS and recreate with modifications on the air. It's up to the chatterbox to try and figure out whose card Mary is recreating! Rules below:

Object of the game:

  • Be the first to correctly name in the comments the contributor whose card Mary loosely recreating (or CASing)


  • The inspiration card is chosen from the prior episode's gallery.
  • Mary's project won't be exactly like the inspiration piece. She will use artistic liberty.

How To Play The Game

  • You must be here live on the LIVE broadcast and in the chat room (not the comments).
  • Suggestion: In a second browser or tab or second device, open the prior episode's gallery so you can search for the card Mary is CASing.
  • TO DECLARE your choice, type @CraftRoulette, followed by the name of the crafter or craftette you believe inspired Mary’s card

    • Use the spelling of their name as it is in the gallery (not personal nicknames)
    • And the clue that broke the CAS wide open
  • Be the first to declare the crafter or craftette who inspired Mary's piece correctly in the LIVE CHAT and you'll be the winner.
  • Our winner will win a CROG, a handmade card with an itty bitty gift.

See you at the next In Revue!