Glossary & Concepts

The details and terms that are used in the show.

Welcome to the Glossary and Concepts section. We've tried to cover most of the major concepts and recurring themes from the show and community.

Contributions & Showcase

Everyone is welcome to participate in Craft Roulette. Contributions are submitted through this site on the submit page. See the Submission Windows section for more information.

Each week, for the first 20 minutes of our live-stream, we showcase our contributors cards from the previous show. Cards are also shared in “The Gallery” section of each episode archive page.

Each contribution crafter’s name will be automatically added to the Giveaway “Spinner” which is spun at the end of each episode. See more details under “Give Aways”.

Submission Windows

Our challenge has a pretty quick turn around with a submission window that only lasts the weekend. We offer an extended submission window for active members of our Support our Efforts page.

Below is an overview of the submission windows in your timezone.

Public Submission Window

opens Friday @ 11:30pm UTC
closes Monday @ 4:59am UTC

Members Extended Window

opens Monday @ 5:00am UTC
closes Friday @ 5:00am UTC
Timezones are automatically calculated based on your device settings.


Each week, our members get the opportunity to vote for to veto one parameter from each category. The totals are announced liv on the show.

The Guest Crafter is also invited to veto or forfeit their right to veto before the wheel is spun and the parameters are chosen.

A vetoed parameter means the wheel can not make us use that parameter. Contributors may still use it if it fits within the realm of the chosen parameter.

For example, if a purple background is vetoed and a yellow background is chosen, the crafter could not use a purple background instead since the wheel directed us to use yellow. We encourage our participants to give a brief explanation of justification if needed on the form.


Craft Roulette is designed to encourage your creativity with the random spins of “Mr. Wheel”. Contributors are encouraged to interpret the parameters as they are inspired. Parameters can be interpreted literally, figuratively, and/or creatively.

All four of the parameters per episode must be included to qualify as a contribution. We check each contribution to make sure the parameters are included, but that doesn't limit your project to just the parameters. It is up to you, the crafter, to interpret the parameters as you see fit.

When you submit your project, you must fill out a form that requires everyone to describe how they applied the parameters to their project. This is a great way to share your creative process and inspire others.

There are many examples of contributions on the Gallery section of each Episode archive page.

Parameters are routinely and frequently updated.

PROJECT Parameter

Projects are often, but are not limited to a type of card or fold. Usually, Mary explains and demonstrates the standard interpretation of the project prior to the crafting time.

COLORS Parameter

Our color category has evolved over the history of our show, it used to be way more limiting but now it's more open. The color parameters are often based on an abstract concept that can be interpreted in many ways. We love to see what everyone comes up with.

ELEMENT Parameter

The element is usually a design element or a technique. It can be the major focal point or tucked away on the back of the project. It just needs to be included.

RANDOM Parameter

The Random parameter is just that - a random parameter which must be included in a qualifying contribution.

Mail Call

You are welcome to send us mail to PO Box 480566, KCMO 64148.

We love to share the lovely things people send us on our mid-week show: In Revue

#TEAM Colors

In the fall of 2020, the wheel chose orange for several episodes (3 out of 15 shows) as color parameter. There were some gentle, now comical, complaints about getting too many orange parameters.

It turned out there are orange lovers and not-so-much orange lovers in our group.

It also was discovered that many who were in the not-so-much orange camp tended to be strongly passionate about purple. Thus, #teamorange and #teampurple were born.

Many other “teams” have surfaced as well. There is #teamteal, #teamyellow, and even #teamainbow. But, #teamorange and #teampurple remain our core teams and our two “political factions”.


The Support of our Members is what makes this show possible. We are so grateful for the support of our members. We have put a lot of time and money into the show, including paying for software, studio equipment, servers, and the time we put into producing the show on the backend.

If you appreciate what we do and want to pitch in, there are different support levels with different perks. Check out our Support our Efforts page for more information.


All contributors are automatically entered onto our giveaway “Spinner”. The giveaway is programmed to randomly select a winner for each of our spin sponsor prizes.

Winners have 6 days to use the claim prize form, to officially claim your prize, and send your email or snail mail address.

We will not reach out to winners, so make sure you watch the show to see if you win!

Family Friendly Show & Community Standards

We are a positive and encouraging community and have a zero tolerance policy for any kind of negativity or conflict. We love when our community members take an active role in encouraging others to create and share their artwork with us. We celebrate these "Glitter Fairies" and are thankful for them. There is always something good in every contribution we receive.

We keep our shows and community family friendly. We reserve the right to reject any contribution or delete any comments we deem inappropriate.

Thank you for understanding and participation!