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Double tag
Two Greens + 2
In the background

Craft Roulette Episode 146, hosted by Mary Gunn FUNN on January 13, 2023, featured special guest Chelsea Comer. The project parameter for this episode was "Double tag," where the crafters had to create a project using two tags. The color parameter was "Two Greens + 2," meaning they had to incorporate two shades of green into their projects. The element parameter was "Shelf/shelves," challenging the crafters to include a shelf or shelves in their designs. Lastly, the random parameter was "In the background," which added an extra element of creativity to the projects.

Throughout the episode, Mary and Chelsea showcased their improvisational crafting skills as they spun the wheel and embraced the challenge of creating unique projects based on the given parameters. Despite the random nature of the show, they both managed to create stunning crafts using double tags, incorporating two shades of green, and incorporating shelves. The additional twist of having to include something "in the background" added an extra layer of creativity to their designs. Overall, Craft Roulette Episode 146 was a fun and inspiring episode that showcased the crafters' ability to think on their feet and create beautiful projects.

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