Process Videos

We love it when YouTubers make videos about their Craft Roulette inspired creations. Being able to submit process videos is one of the many perks of Membership. Please consider supporting us with a membership if you'd like to submit your own videos.

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Stamprgrl - #197

Crafty check-in and CR #197 + a paper clip!!!!

Added January 13th, 2024
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Sue Small-Kreider (Ully Cat's World) - #197

Process video for episode 197 for a tag pop-up birthday card for a manicure.

Added January 15th, 2024
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Rebecca Feltner (Bec Ann) - #197

I made a shaker card! I started in one direction but ended up in a completely different on...

Added January 17th, 2024
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Carmen Braaksma - #197

The original love letters from our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Added January 17th, 2024
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Taylor Koepf - #197

A video showing the process of my card creation for episode 197

Added January 18th, 2024
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Jaime Schlangen - #197

A snarky nailed it infinity shaker card.

Added January 20th, 2024
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Vicki Ruta - #197

So mush love in one card with hedgehogs and (s)nails(s)! Two tags, happy colours and think...

Added March 3rd, 2024