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Purse Card
Coral +2
Car or Truck

Craft Roulette Episode 23, hosted by Mary Gunn FUNN on August 14, 2020, featured an exciting challenge of creating a Purse Card. The color parameter for this episode was Coral +2, adding a vibrant and lively touch to the projects. Participants were also tasked with incorporating an element of either a Car or Truck into their designs. To add an extra layer of creativity, the random parameter for this episode was Masking, allowing crafters to explore different techniques and effects.

The episode showcased the ingenuity and talent of the participants as they embraced the challenge and created unique Purse Cards. The Coral +2 color parameter added a beautiful pop of color to the projects, while the element of a Car or Truck brought a fun and playful element to the designs. The random parameter of Masking allowed crafters to experiment with various techniques, resulting in stunning and innovative creations.